Sunday, February 12, 2012

Six Ways to Prevent a Concussion - Part One

                Winter has finally graced us with its presence in a sudden and intense event. Now the days with fifty degree temperatures with a summer facade seem like months ago when in actuality it was only two weeks or so. When winter comes so quickly, it is easy to forget the dangers it presents. On the very first day of winter weather, I had an unfortunate reminder of what kinds of dangerous incidents would happen when I lost my footing and fell back on the hard, icy, ground. This blog serves as a reminder to everyone out there to be careful where you place your feet. To ensure safety in the winter walkers this season, I have devised six methods that will keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, or reduce the pain of every fall.
#1) Very Grippy Shoes - In effort to not slip on the ice, I recommend very grippy shoes. Now, make sure you go full out on these because otherwise, they will be of no use and completely not worth the effort of trying to get. I think the best method for getting super-grippy shoes is to make them. Go to your local hardware store and look for the biggest and strongest suction cups you can find. Plungers work out very well if you weigh enough to push them all of the way down when you walk. If you weigh this much though, you probably don't have very many muscles. In this case, you may want to start going to the gym before winter begins. When you decide you have strong enough muscles to pick up your feet after they are suctioned to the ground, go ahead and start wearing your very grippy shoes. Once you start wearing your shoes you can even cancel your gym membership because you will get a better work out wearing these shoes anyway. In short, the grippy shoe method may require a little work before hand, but present you with a bonus of hard thighs afterward. (345)

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