High school, otherwise known as the best four years of your life, prepares you for your independent journey to college, which could be considered even better than high school by some. For something that prepares you for the other, the two education experiences differ greatly in the amount of class time, independence, teacher interaction, and homework load.
A difference in the two would be class times. In high school, you have six to seven classes a day and they always total around eight hours; seven to three or eight to four. College classes differ in both the amount of classes as well as the class times. A college student will typically have around four to five classes that only meet a few times a week depending on the class. Their class times can range anywhere from no hours of classes a day to eight hours of classes.
Another difference is the amount of homework given. High school student’s homework is a little more spaced out and they are assigned certain homework every night, whereas college students are given homework that could be due or not due in a week and they have to figure out when they want to do it. College students are also given a lot more and will end up staying up all night studying and getting it done.
The biggest difference between high school and college is amount of self-reliance. In high school, students have both their parents and teachers telling them to do homework and go to school. The government also requires that students attend high school until they reach the legal age when they can drop out. When people go to college, it is all up to them whether or not they go to class or study for tests.
There is also a reduced amount of teacher interaction in college. I guess this depends on the size of college you choose to attend though. A smaller or private college will have a smaller class size and will probably allow for more teacher-student interaction than in a bigger college where there practically is none. Smaller colleges in this case more resemble high schools than bigger colleges.
As you can see, high school and college do have similarities but differ greatly in many areas.(384)
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