Wednesday, May 8, 2013


With graduation coming up, I think that it is important that people actually know the toll that school can take on a person. I found an article online called reasonsus kids need our sleep that helps to explain how lack of sleep, especially in students and younger people, can affect them.

I know im not in many activities, really, but color guard seems to consume my whole entire fall trimester during school, after school, and on weekends. Plus winter guard takes up my Saturday morning sleep in time. And not to mention those early mornings to travel to different cities for competitions and late nights getting back. And theres school there too. I mean, AP Econ isn’t my strongest point and the homework isn’t terrible… until 3rd tri when you have 50 tests to do corrections on and notes on top. Then theres prom. Oh my, what dress am I going to wear? And do I have everything planned? Have I turned in all those forms? And don’t forget planning that grad party. On top of that theres replacing the carpet in my house with hardwood, tearing up the kitchen and putting it back together-no hired help, just my family doing this. Lets no forget my job that’s starting up again because its time for senior pictures and then I need to hang out with friends too, right? Its my senior year! Well, now that im done boring you with my life, here are the facts that im gonna need to remember for college:
Women are more at risk for heart problems if they don’t get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is lack of knowlage. You need that sleep to help your brain keep all that info in. and sleep helps your health. Also, make sure you get enough sleep before your flu vaccine or youll have a difficult time fighting it off.
Not that there arnt more reasons, but these are an important few I thought the article had a good point about.

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