Monday, February 25, 2013

Let's Play a Name Game

Every country around the world has different rules, laws, customs, etc. It seems that we are taught to do different things and behave in a certain way that everything else just seems foreign and not important. I’m not sure how exactly I could have been so clueless growing up about all of the laws in different coutries and other customs. I know there are lists of crazy laws  that you can come across in other states but they are merely trivial and usually not enforced. It seems though that my understanding of other customs in the world is now coming more clear than it has ever been. I’m not sure why exactly, maybe I just have more classes relating to other countries than ours, maybe I’m more actively following the news, or maybe I just flat out didn’t care until now. I’m really not sure. But the thing that always seems to shock me when learning about laws in other countries is… how completely stupid their laws can be. I mean, we have some odd laws too I suppose, but theirs just seem to have been made up by someone just trying to create total authority over citizens because they simply feel like it.
An article on Yahoo explains how a mother named her daughter something that wasn’t legal or approved so she wasn’t legally able to use her name. Now, at the age of 15, she has been given permission to use the name of “Blaer” which translates to “light breeze”. The government thought the name was “improper”.
           I think names should be totally free to decide upon. I mean, if you were going to name your child something outlandish like… I have no idea. .. Anna says Swagga Baby. If you really truly wanted to name your child “Swagga Baby”, you might want to rethink your existence and hobbies and whatnot but really, it’s your choice. And hopefully, someday, your child will develop a more... Normal or suitable nickname to go by. But for real, it’s the parents’ choice and who wants to have a bazillion babies in the world with the same generic name. like... Bob. if you only had 10 names to choose from and Bob is the best.. idk what this world has come to. (381)

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