Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Traveling Dream

After graduation, I decided that I would go to Europe. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower and decided that if I hadn’t gone to Europe by the time graduation came around, I would go no matter what. Of course, the idea of letting his daughter go by herself to Europe didn’t really settle well with my father so he will now be joining me…along with my sister and a friend.  I’ve always thought that traveling the world would be so amazing; to see different people, places, architecture, lifestyles, hear different languages, music, and just everything about it. I know that a lot of other people probably have the dream of traveling the world but strangely my brother didn’t. I decided to look up why exactly people want to travel the world in hopes to convince at least one new person that this is a good dream to have.

I stumbled upon a blog that gave five reasons to travel that I strongly agreed with. The first reason was to get inspired. What could be more inspiring than seeing everything and ways and beings? The second reason was to prove to yourself that you can actually do it. I’ve always liked this quote; “The man on the top of the mountain wasn’t just put there.” There is no better feeling in the world to accomplish something that others thought was impossible or improbable. The third was to see and experience different cultures. The fourth reason was of course to eat. I know I will be trying everything on my upcoming trip. The final fifth reason that he listed was to meet new and interesting people. When you stay in the same place for a long time, you become comfortable. Sometimes it is nice to just mix it up. Hopefully this is enough to inspire someone to travel. If these reasons don’t, I don’t know what will. (323)

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