Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Pass Time during a Car Ride - Dos and Donts

If you have ever been in a long car ride, you have probably found yourself with nothing to do. I have compiled a list of my family’s common ways to pass time on a road trip and listed them below. So whether it is two hours or twenty four hours, you will hopefully never get bored and it might even speed up the time!
          The first and most important thing not to do during a car ride is twiddle your thumbs and just sit there. Sure, you can look out the window but wherever you are going, I assume that the terrain will probably be the same after a while which will ultimately lead to your boredom. The second “no no” in a car ride is too many rest stops. It is fine to stop every once in a while for gas or the required services but keep it to a minimum. If there is someone in your car that has to stop to use the restroom every half hour it makes for a very long car ride. I would however, recommend that you stop at interesting places along the way. It may make the trip a bit longer but they will make the trip more fun.
          There are always the normal activities that would keep you occupied for a while; i.e. reading a book, watching a movie, listening to music, painting your nails etc. There are also those electronic games and the travel games that you can get just about anywhere that sells toys but they can be a bit difficult to play in the car. If you are feeling especially bored, or just don’t feel like doing any of the common activities, you can always print out some road trip songs and sing them along the way. I warn that this method will definitely get annoying for some people. My family always chooses the car game route. Not like bingo or anything, just simple car riding games. (341)

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