Thursday, October 20, 2011

Job Interviews

                Job interviews are brutal. Whether it’s the hour of asking questions you don't know how to answer, or the fact that you will spend days after it wondering if you got the job, interviews are simply brutal. I just finished with the second job interview I have had in my life and even after my little experience, I can assure you that they are not fun.

                As if going into a new place, and meeting with a person that will decide your employment future isn't enough, they go and ask you questions as well! Questions I might add that are completely self and experience-based. I know that some people can talk about themselves for hours, and bring up their positive attributes on cue but I definitely cannot. Second of all, they ask the same questions over and over expecting a different answer every time! I think that is the worst method in the world because if someone can't answer it right the first time, what makes them think that the interviewee can answer it again?

                Let me provide some examples of the questions asked at an interview. Question number one: "Why should I hire you?" Really, could you get any worse than that? Obviously, that is a question for you to answer, not me. I feel like that is just asking for selfish/vain answers. Which brings me to question number two; "What are your best qualities?" Well, I am a great ear-wiggler, and I can sleep through a fire alarm. Hmm, maybe they should be a little more specific. Number two here clearly shows that they are looking for selfish people. Interviewers also ask questions like number 3: "What did you do when you got into an argument with one of your coworkers?" This would be what I like to call an open-ended question with a pre-generated response. What if I haven't gotten in an argument with a coworker before? Even if I have, it's not like I would say I punched them in the face or something (which I wouldn't) because that would almost guarantee unemployment. Which is why I am sure the majority of applicants would say "I would work it out in a calm and productive manner." Yeah right, because that’s what people always do in a fury. "Calmly talk the problem out."

                I understand the reasoning behind the questions; to find suitable people to fill the job. But will the questions really rule out people with anger issues or bad qualities that they don't want to say because it would make them look bad? I would assume that any one stupid enough to comment on their extremely bad qualities aren't really expecting to get that job. I am just saying that the interviewers need to reconstruct their interviews.

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