Friday, October 7, 2011

Gay Marriage

          I know the controversy on gay marriage has basically settled down now since the gay marriage law was passed, but honestly I do not understand why people cared so much about it. What did gay people ever do to them and why is it any of their business?
          Some people’s argument against it is that is against God. There are passages in the bible that comment on homosexuality.  One quote from Leviticus is “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Obviously this strongly opposes gay relations, don’t you think that people that are gay are aware of who disagrees with their sexual preferences?
          Even though the Bible opposes gay relations I do not believe that it is our job to judge the people it is opposing. The Bible portrays God’s opinions, and laws, and wisdom. This may just be me but I do not think that we have the right to judge homosexual people. Judgment should be saved for God, not us. We do not have a right to make people feel inferior or out of place from our own doing. Isn’t it the whole point of the Bible to make us better, and nicer people? Free from judgment, jealousy, hate, and fear.
          I guess the point of this blog is to discourage people from openly voice their opinion about gay people, and to create laws prohibiting gay marriage. I know many homosexual people and the ones I know are the nicest people in the world. I would hate to see them discouraged because some disrespectful person openly voices their opinion to them without even knowing them. To put it plainly, it is not very nice.

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