I had actually already
written a blog on this topic but thanks to technical difficulties, none of it
was saved. So I will just do my best to reconstruct it and you will have to
make due. Six days ago, an article was published on CNN about the discovery of
horse meat, or rather DNA, in hamburgers that were on sale in supermarkets in
Britain and Ireland. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland published their
findings on Tuesday morning. They showed that ten out of the twenty seven
hamburger products that they tested contained horse DNA, i.e. they contained
horse meat. Twenty three hamburger products out of the twenty seven contained
pig DNA, or pig meat. To put this in perspective, thirty seven percent of the
tested hamburger products contained horse meat and eighty five percent of the
tested hamburger products contained pig meat.
For those of you that
are unaware, hamburgers come from cows. I will be the first one to admit that
there is a lot of meat and ingredients in store bought hamburgers that may not
be the plain ground beef that I really want. According to another article I
found, most hamburgers probably have E. coli and the cows that the hamburgers
come from are fed chicken feces. I really don’t need to go into the
unappetizing meat industry so I’ll just go back to my specifically titled
One of the most
shocking things I found out from the article was that in nine out of ten of the
burger samples, there were relatively low levels of horse DNA but it one of
those ten burgers, twenty nine percent of the burger was horse meat. As an AP
Statistics student, I know that if that was the outcome of the sample, there is
probably a higher chance of getting more horse meat in the burgers. That is
absolutely disgusting. I would be curious to find the results of similar
studies in other countries. (329)
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