Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

I stumbled across this chart the other day that showed the global government corruptions on a ten point scale with ten being the best, or the most “clean”, and 0 being the worst, or the most “highly corrupt.” When I first looked at the title of it I thought that I would know who would be the most corrupt and the least corrupt out of all of the countries but as looked at the map I was surprised that I didn’t actually guess the country corruption correctly.

                I figured the United States would be the least corrupt and maybe Cuba or North Korea would be the most. It turns out that North Korea was one of the most corrupt countries but Cuba only had a rating of 4.2, so it was pretty corrupt but I mean it only had a ranking of the 61st most corrupt out of the 182 countries. I was even more surprised by the United States’ ranking. It was ranked 24th out of 182 and had a ranking of 7.1. I looked more at the countries that were the best on the list like New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and so on, and they do all seem very peaceful and uncorrupt. I started thinking more about the United States’ ranking and was more surprised about how unsurprised I was about the amount of corruptness.

                I guess if you really think about it, politics have been involving more and more corruptness. Politicians need to get elected, and if someone wants it bad enough they seek out investors and political and financial favors. When they are elected they have to pay back those favors or sway a certain way in their voting so that they don’t have to lose any votes in the next election. I honestly don’t believe that a true, good-hearted candidate that does everything that they think is right regardless of public opinion would stand a chance during an election. (326)

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