Monday, November 7, 2011


            Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, need I go on? As you have probably figured out, all of the listed people are famous. Whether singers, actors, or famous for being famous, everyone knows them and either wants to date them, or be them (with the exception of Lindsay Lohan perhaps). I guess I can't speak for the entire population because I myself am not included in this statement, just the general trend.
            I personally, and I am sure others are included, do not understand everyone's fascination with these people. I mean sure, they are very talented, or entertaining, but why is everyone so enticed by them? After all they are only people. Having people watch me 24/7 would definitely get old very fast.
            Every aspiring actor or singer probably has a dream to make it big and be a household name. Why? Is it for the money, or the fame, or just being known? My guess is a little bit of each. When someone actually becomes famous though, I think it is probably a lot different when they become famous though, I am sure there are a lot of things famous people would be willing to go back to, or get back. Like privacy for instance.

            How awkward would it be to be famous? I mean think about have no privacy. Everyone knows what is going on in your life and who you are, but you have no idea who they are or what is going on in their life. Not that you would necessarily care, but still. If you were to screw up, or make a mistake, it is automatically front page news and the whole world hears about it. And forget about secrets, I am sure that it would be extremely hard to keep any with random paparazzi people following you around looking for just that.
            I am not saying that famous people hate their life and wish they hadn’t become famous, because that is almost definitely wrong. I just do not understand people's infatuation with famous people. After all they used to be ordinary people, trying to make something of themselves. They just hit a lucky strike and had enough talent to get there.

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